Norway Timelapse


Církev Křesťanské společenství – “KS” (Christian Fellowships) are independent, indigenous Czech churches (registered with the Czech Ministry of Culture) formally established in 1990. With contemporary worship services, Bible-based teaching, and an emphasis on meeting regularly in small groups to build relationships, the denomination has grown quickly. There are now about a dozen KS congregations in Prague and close to fifty throughout the Czech Republic.

Each local church has its own pastor and elders. A council of KS pastors addresses national issues and provides oversight for the churches. Since the end of 1996 our English-speaking community has been led by Pastors John and Kelsie Mullen.

Kdo Jsme

Církev Křesťanské společenství (KS) je nezávislá, původní česká církev oficiálně založena v roce 1990. Jsme církev s moderními bohoslužbami, učením založeným na Bibli a s důrazem na pravidelné se scházení v malých skupinkách, aby se vytvářely vztahy. Naše denominace rychle rostla. V současné době existuje asi dvanáct KS shromáždění v Praze a kolem padesáti po celé České republice.

Každý místní sbor má svého vlastního pastora a starší .Rada KS pastorů se zabývá celorepublikovými problémy a provádí dohled nad církví. Od konce roku 1996 byla naše anglicky mluvící komunita vedená pastory Johnem a Kelsie Mullen.

Where We Meet

We have English language services on Sunday mornings at 11:00 am at Malostranské Náměstí. The address is Malostranská Beseda at Malostranské náměstí 21, 110 00 Praha 1. (above the restaurant). We pray at 10:30 am so everyone is invited to come early! [Překlad do češtiny zajištěn] Simultaneous Czech translation is normally available. Please note: In July, we meet on Strelecky Ostrov (island) at 11 am for worship, Bible study & fellowship rather than Beseda. Bring a blanket and food. If the island is wet, the backup is our Ministry Center at Vodickova 17. See Friday Home Group for directions.

Everyone is welcome to join us in our services. Our community consists of Christians from all over the world from many different denominational backgrounds. Because relationships are very important to us, after the service we hang out at the coffee bar for fellowship and great coffee. Come join us! On the 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays we go to our Ministry Center for a Fun Donation Lunch.

Currently we are offering On-line Services on FaceBook Live & at 11 am on Sundays and sermons posted later on YouTube.

We also have homegroups meeting throughout the week (see the “Small Groups” tab).


Our Values

PCF Core Values – Spiritual, Community & Worldview are described below separately.

Spiritual Core Values Community Core Values Worldview Core Values

Redemptive Storytelling


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Our YouTube Channel

PCF Worship Service Videos

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How Can You Give

This ministry is supported via donations through and John & Kelsie Mullen are supported via donations to Apostolic Servant Ministries, Inc (an approved 501(c)3 non-profit) at P.O. Box 820603, Ft. Worth, Tx 76182, or Modern Day.

Prague Christian Fellowship is Czech church registered with the Czech Ministry of Culture (číslo evidence: 22-033/2002-17296).

Donations can be sent to Raiffeisen Bank, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 181730394, Bank Code: 5500, SWIFT: RZBCCZPP, IBAN: CZ4355000000000181730394, or click the “Donation” button for PayPal or  .

Your partnership is greatly appreciated.